University of Virginia Library

TODAY - Wed.

Intramural Dept. meeting
concerning development of
Women's Intramural program at 4
P.M. in Rm. 22, Mem. Gym. All
interested women invited.

Tan Beta Pl meeting — Rm. C-49.

An encounter Group for persons
with some prior experience will be
held on Feb. 19 and 20 sponsored
by United Ministry. Cost $30.
Register at Wesley Foundation by
today (293-5829).

Anyone interested in Sailing
instruction - 1st class at 7:30 P.M.
in N.H. 4A

IFC - Vote on Constitution -
meeting for all reps. in So. Meeting
Rm. at 7:30 P.M.

U.U.S. Book and Record Exchange
closes Wed. at 5 P.M. Please come
in to collect your $.

TRIGON Meeting at 7:30 P.M. in
Rm. AM 209 Topic: Rush, Election

OUTING Club Meeting, Rm. 4C of
N.H. at 7:30 - Slide Show.

ELI BANANA short meeting, St.
Anthony Hall at 10:30 P.M.


School of Education Lecture Series
presents Charles Blasche on
"Accountability in Schools of
Education" 9-10:30 A.M. (N.II. So.
Meeting Rm.)


lost or stolen: Men's wallet.
Valuable papers desperately
needed, $10 Reward Call 296-0928.
Ask for Mike - no questions asked.

LOST: Gold signet ring, int. RHS
great sentimental value. Reward
offered: Please call 296-5435.

LOST: Dark green zippered
Keycase, 4 Keys. Sometime last
Thurs. A Pain. Please call Lew
296-1834 after 11.

3rd Yr. Pre-Meds and Pre-Dentals:
Application forms for Spring
Aptitude tests now avail. Cabell

Med. Students: Student Council
and Judiciary "Write-in" election
will be Wed. and Thurs. Petition
Deadline - Thurs. 5 P.M.