University of Virginia Library


ALL STUDENTS who did not
give the Registrar their phone
number at Registration should
give the numbers to the Registrar
as soon as possible. Your
number can then be given to
the Newcomb Hall Desk.

Meeting of Advanced History doctoral
students interested in job
placement for 1971-72, will be held
Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 4:30 PM in
Cabell Hall 341.

year class who would like to
help in drafting a proposed constitution
for the graduating
class should attend a meeting
Monday, at 7:30 p.m., in the
offices of Student Government,
fourth floor Newcomb Hall.

ACTION 70 meeting Dynamic
Christianity, Sun. Oct. 4, 6:00 PM,
So. Parking lot Memorial Gym.

Application for married students
housing (Copley Hill, University
Gardens) and Faculty housing
(Piedmont Estates) are now being
accepted in Housing Office. Page
House. Office hours are 8-1 and 2-5

PHI Eta Sigma certificates for 1970
initiates are available in 401, Cabell
hall. See Miss Dameron, 2:00 4:00

MAKE UP Examination for History
EU-8 (Mr. Crosby) will be given in
Cooke Hall from 9-12 AM on Saturday,
October 10.

MAKE-UP final exam for History
AS 90 (Mr. Hauser) will be given on
Thursday Oct. 8, 7-10 PM in Randall
Hall 220.

MAKE-UP final exam for HIEU 2
scheduled for Wed. Oct. 7, 7-10 PM
in Rm 220 Randall Hall. Contact
Mr. Craig if unable to be present.

Monday-Friday, 12:00 - 2:00,
conference room, 3rd floor,
Newcomb Hall.

All degree candidates interested in
serving on committee to learn
function of senior class officers and
draft constitution, please contact
Student Council office or attend
meeting of 7:30 PM Student
Council office, Monday.

MAKE-UP EXAM for Math (Mr.
Smith) will be held on Sat., Oct. 3,
at 11:00 in Room 517 Cabell Hall.

MAKE-UP EXAM for Philosophy 11
Oct. 7, 7:00 PM Examinees meet
Mr. Marshall at his office.

MAKE-UP EXAM from last spring
for Prof. Havran's HIEU 150, Tues.
Oct. 13, 7:00 PM in Randall Hall

MAKE-UP EXAM for Psychology
19 (Mr. Schulman) will be Mon.,
Oct. 5, 7-10 PM Rm. 111, Gilmer

ANYONE with bricklaying talents
who could donate a few hours to
Hope House on Garrett Street,
Please call 295-3332.

MIXER Mary Washington College,
Sat. 9-12 PM Coats and Ti,
Provide own transportation.

At the PRISM, Friday 9:15 and
Saturday 10:00, Bryan and Judi
Bowers, musical innovation; Cover
charge, 75.

There will be a meeting if all
persons interested in joining the
U.Va. Handball Club. This meeting
will be at 10:00 AM Sat. Oct. 3 in
Mem. Gym outside the Handball

There will be a recreational Modern
Dance class offered to all interested
girl students. This class will meet
from 4:00-5:00 PM on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon in the small
gymnasium in Mem. Gym. This
class will begin Thursday Oct. 8.
Further information may be
obtained at 924-3791.

ANY students who have not
returned the committee preference
card but are willing to work on a
student council committee, please
meet in South Meeting room
Newcomb Hall Monday at 4:00 PM.

Representatives, from following
Law Schools will visit the Grounds
in the next two weeks: Mon. Oct.
5: Catholic U., Temple Univ.; Fri.
Oct. 9: U. of South Carolina; Mon.
Oct. 12: Duke; Fri. Oct. 16: UNC.