University of Virginia Library


MALE, Female, grad. or undergrad.
wanting room in dorms, please call

ROOMMATE wanted. Woodrow
apartments. Rent, incidental
approximately $50. a month, Call

Part-time help Must be graduate
student 21, married And have car
work 6-9, Mon- Fri. $70.00 a week.
Apply in person at 2nd floor
Conference room Howard Johnson
7:30-8:30 Tues. Sept. 29.

Roommate share beautiful 4 room
duplex 4 miles. $41.00 month.
Come by 1100 Coleman St. off
250 E. Bypass.

A third Grad. woman to share 3
bedroom house. Washer Dryer,
$90.00 per month 295-6543.

Student with transportation for
drudge work on farm. Call
295-5437 9-5, Mon.-Fri.

Ride or Riders wanted commuting
from Richmond, Mon., Wed., &
Fri.; return PM; the cost is killing
me. Rich. Tele. 353-2537.

Desire ride from Staunton to
Ch'ville on Tues. And Thursday
must arrive before 11 AM contact
Directors Office.

Looking for person to read on
Grad. Education Level for blind
student, 2 or 3 hours per week. (
Would appreciate any volunteer
work) Contact Director's Office.

Third girl needed to share apt. Call
296-4340 or 924-3292.

Busboys needed. Contact Mr. Fox,
The Library Restaurant. 295-2930.

Wanted: Director of Promotion And
Advertising for Barracks Rd.
Shopping Center. Challenging job
for a person interested in retail
promotion And working with
people. College degree required,
experience helpful. Salary
negotiable. Call Mr. David Carr at

LOST - 3-month old German
Shepherd puppy, female, black And
tan markings. Last seen in vicinity
Grounds, Call 295-8117.