University of Virginia Library



MEETING of all fraternity
kitchen managers at 3:30 in IFC

LAW and Grad. YR's meeting at
7:15 in C room of school.
Spring plans discussed and new
members invited.

IFC Community chairmen's
meeting at 4 p.m. in room
4A Newcomb Hall.

MEETING of First-Year Assembly
of Union at 8 p.m. Place
changed to Visitors' Lounge, 3rd
floor Newcomb Hall.

GAMMA PI chapter of Eta
Kappa Nu will hold a very important
meeting at 7:30 p.m. in room
C-49 Thornton Hall. All members
urged to attend.

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7:30, 1961 Lewis Mtn. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

DEPT, of Foundation of Education
colloquium on "Desegregation
in Nelson County, Ya," South
Meeting Room at 2 p.m.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 7:45 in contract cafeteria,
2nd floor Newcomb Hall. For info.
call 295-4959.

THURSDAY movie - "African
Queen" at Bogart and Hepburn,
Bogey's only Academy
Award winner. 7 and 9:30 in
Newcomb, seventy-five cents.

CIRCLE K meeting at 9:30 in
room 4A Newcomb Hall. Important.

psychology students invited to
discussion of graduate programs
and vocational opportunities in
applied areas of psychology. Room
111 Gilmer Hall at 1 p.m.

VA. PLAYERS tryouts for production
of "You Know I Can't
Hear You When The Water's Running"
March 11 and 12 at 7:30 in
Minor Hall.

ALL FINE ARTS entries (except
one-act plays) may be picked
up from U. Union office, 4th floor
Newcomb Hall.

APPLICANTS wishing to apply
for or renew undergrad, scholarship
or grants for 1970-71 may
procure necessary forms at Office
of Financial Aid to Students,
Levering Hall, East Range. They
must be on file by April 15.
Applicants for loans or employment
for the 1970 summer session
must submit applications by May 1.
Applicants wishing to be considered
for a loan or part time employment
for 1970-71 session must file by
July 1.

MEETING of President's Council
of the IFC at 3:30 in Informal

THE DEADLINE for procuring
invitations and announcements for
June graduation exercises is Friday,
March 13. Orders should be placed
at Main Desk, Newcomb Hall.


ALL ENGINEERS invited to
Theta Tau rush smoker 8-12, Chi
Phi house. Brothers meeting at 7:15
preceding smoker.

ENGINEERS - another
party sponsored by E-club in
Jefferson Hall West Range,
3:30-5:30. Faculty, wives and dates

BEETHOVEN Concert by U.
Orchestra and Glee Club and
Hollins College chapel choir with
soloists, Friday at 8:30, Cabell
Aud. $1,50, $1.


EXHIBITION of works of
Ronald Fowler given for patrons of
the Miser through March 14, Minor
Hall lobby. Many pieces in oil, ink
and pencil for sale.

STUDENTS needed to socialize
with psychiatric patients at Western
State Hospital. Teams go 2-6 p.m.
Tuesday through Saturday. Help
especially needed Wednesday. Call
P. deVries, 924-3193 or 295-3032.

PRISM presents Friday and
Saturday The Original Cast of
12,000. Seventy-five cents, doors
open at 8, show at 9:15.

ANYONE interested in becoming
a Varsity baseball manager
contact Jim McGraw, 295-8306.

Graduate," Dustin Hoffman, at 7
and 9 p.m. Seventy-five cents,
Newcomb Hall.

ALPHA MU chapter of Delta
Sigma Pi announces the pledging of
Raymond Britt Jr., Douglass Duchal,
Steven Lewis, Philip McManus,
John Miller Jr., and Bryant Orrock.

STUDENT Council is willing to
minority views on any subject
and has been arranging for the
representation of minority views.