University of Virginia Library



Heathkit 30 watt stereo integrated.
Amplifier, mahogany cabinet.
$75. Call 296-5340.

If you wear a waist size
28-29-30-31 or 32 we have an
excellent selection of pre-cuffed
perma-press trousers at $4 and
$4.50 at Ed Michtom's on the

Colonial Inkwell in Gleaming
Pewter plus two hand cut quill pens
gift Boxed, $10. Also pens available
separately in Jefferson gift boxes,
$1 a matched pair. Lewis Glaser,
Quillmaker, 109 2nd Street, S.E.,
downtown, dial 293-8531.

'52 Ford, 6 cylinder, standard
transmission, radio, heater. 2 new
tires and battery. Good transportation,
$180. 296-8682.

1968 Opel Kaydette station
wagon, must sell. 293-1016 Monday
thru Thursday.

Yashica super 8. SLR. 5 × power
zoom; splicer; editor; film; $100
Larsen, Box 3362, City.

1935 MG model PA rebuilt
engine, reworked body extensive
spares. Included price 2000 O.N.O.
plus delivery from England. Reply
by mail: Baldenhofer, Mtn. House

1967 Flat 850 coupe, excellent
condition, a true sacrifice, $750.

1966 GTO, automatic, air conditioned,
one owner, $1300. Call
Greg Lane 296-8712.

Typewriter Hermes 3000,
Swiss made precision, portable
excellent condition $130 new,
now $76. Rarely used, call John

1963 Volvo, runs well, $475,
Call 296-3482 ask for Peter.

P.A. system, 90 watts with mike
and stand. $150. Call Eric at

JAGUAR XK-120, 1952 with
140 engine. A classic, $750. Write
Dave Maupin, Miller School, P.O.,

Fringed leather coats, ponchoes,
chalecos, leather pants and moccasins.
Blue jeans, jackets, western
boots and clothing. The Saddle
Shop, 220 West Water.

Opel Rallye - 15,000 miles, still
on new car warranty, perfect
condition. Many options, must sell
immediately. Dirt cheap, 296-3522.


All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Available: 2 bedroom apartment,
Emmet St., near Barracks
Rd. $135 month. Call 296-3100.

1 bedroom basement apt. panel-led,
heat, water and stove furnished.
$85, 296-0517 after 6.

Furnished apartment. Available
March. Call 296-7685 before 9:30
a.m. or after 9:15 p.m.

Sublease 135 Madison Lane,
apt. 5, near Rotunda. Call


Will pay $30 to someone to take
over dorm contract. Call Casey
296-3156 or 296-6062.

Typists wanted for full-time
employment. Interviews Saturday
Feb. 15, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 1106 W.
Main St. (upstairs).

Acapulco riders wanted, pulling
trailer. Share expenses. Depart
sometime February. Richard Davis,
Gordonsville 832-2070 evenings.

Roommate wanted for efficiency
apartment. 2 minutes from
Corner, substantial price reduction.
Call 296-6402.

1 or 2 roommates to share new
fully furnished luxury apt. Near
Corner. 10 minutes from Cabell
Hall. Rent negotiable. Call
296-1119. After 12 Saturday and
after 5:30 p.m. M-F contact Chris
Tims at Apt. C-21 1215 Wertland

Interviewing for summer positions
as senior life guard, playground
and wading pool supervisors
and maintenance men. Must be high
school graduate. Call

Student's wife as assistant interior
decorating shop. Part-time.
Year round. Experience not required
Phone evenings 293-7316.


Start the new year off right $10
dinner meal tickets, only $9 at
Zorba's Inn, McIntire Plaza,
296-8689 ABC on-off.

Rolling to French Lick (Ind.)
Williamsburg, Richmond, NYC.
Student discounts at Sheraton:
924-3454 or 293-4651.

Towers" 8:30 Saturday Feb. 14 at
Hotel Albemarle. Bedroom farce.
Reservations $2.50 296-2969.
Coming Feb. 21, 28, "Love is a
Daisy." Can arrange Friday theater

Quaker worship is a solemn joy,
a search and an adventure. Worship
with us Sunday at 10:30 Hope
House, Garrett St.

Dear 1705 Jefferson Park:
Happy Valentine's Day. What is the
difference between a duck? DP.

WIDE LOAD, For bookings call

Babysitter - Student's wife with
degree in elementary education.
Will babysit while you work.
Experienced. 295-3522.

Valentine's week special!! Stop
by 1705 Jefferson Park Ave. for
FREE kisses Guaranteed Cyclemate

AVRUM - Bill Happy Valentine's

Amorelto de mi vida con todo
mi coraron - now and forever.
Happy Valentine's Day, Love! 8.

Octopus University takes great
pride in congratulating Christopher
"Kit" Tomkins, professor of Environmental
Science, who, having
attained his majority, has received
his first research grant. Mr. Tomkins
main area of study will be
"The Physiological Interaction
Between Sunshine and Grass."