University of Virginia Library


MEETING of all undergraduate
English majors at 8 p.m. in Wilson

ASME meeting. Speaker will be
Dr. Lewis speaking on "Biomedical
Engineering" at 7:30 p.m. in A&M
auditorium. Public invited. Refreshments.

GUIDES — meeting in the
Rotunda at 7:15 p.m. preceded by
coffee at 6:45. Program features
Mr. P. Saunier. Business meeting,
important matters. Old and new
guides please attend.

GRAD SOCCER — scrimmage
with Varsity at 4 p.m. Monday-Wednesday
games cancelled. Now
meeting on Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Newcomers welcome.

U. of PA. representative will be
on Grounds to interview prospective
law students today. Sign up at
Office of Placement, 5 Minor Hall.