University of Virginia Library


Rates: $1 for the first 15 words
per day, $0.05 each additional
word. There is a 10% discount for
payment in advance and 10%
discount for an ad run 4 days or
more. THE DEADLINE for d to
run in the next publication is 1
p.m. the day before publication.
NONE WILL be taken after this
time to run the following day.


MGB '63 chrome wire wheels.
'67 head. Many new parts. Tonneau,
etc. $850, 293-7041.

Office desks, chests and other
used furniture. Boothe antiques,
Rio Road.

'67 Mini-Cooper 997, excellent
condition, new Pirellis, a bargain
for all seasons. Call F.G. Gordon

Model 94 Win. 30-30. Just
rebuilt-Redfield sight excellent condition.
Sacrifice $85, call 293-6268.

Garrard portable stereo record
player. Good condition, $40. Call

'68 Honda 175 Scrambler. Very
good condition, $400. Call John
English at 293-2420.

Vespa 90 motorscooter, under
4000 miles, perfect mechanical
condition, very economical, perfect
for Charlottesville transportation.
Call Powell 296-7329.

2 portable TV's. One RCA, one
Panasonic, price negotiable. Call

1968 Corvette, convertible, 4
speed, 12,000 miles, $3700,
295-3308 after 6 p.m.

Porsche Roadster, 1600 super,
red, 1959. Michelin X tires, other
recent equipment. Looks and runs
fine. $1000. Ext. 2154 or

AR 1 speaker in perfect mechanical
condition, $125. Call 296-8151
from 9-5.

Thoren TD-124 professional
turntable with grado arms and
shure cartridge. In mint condition.
$125. Call 296-8151 from 9-5.

1969 600cc. R-60 BMW. 3900
miles. Call 295-5546.


Roommates needed to fill huge
country house, 4 bedrooms, 3
fireplaces, piano, grapes, apples,
creek. Spilt $100 month rent. Call
Howard 924-2586 or 293-0018.

Want to buy used book, "Sociology"
by Broom and Seiznick, 3rd
or 4th edition. Call 293-5430 after
5 p.m.

Guitar instructor, judo instructor
and roller skating supervisor. Call
Dept. Recreation at 296-8186.

Student for in-dorm newspaper
delivery morning or evening either
Alderman, McCormick or Monroe
Hill dorms. Call 295-9352.

Female bridge partner. Object;
A marriage of games and slams. Call

XANADU Friday or Saturday nights
8-12. Dig it? Sure 293-2531.

Female help wanted, housework,
new home. Am looking for a
particular girl. Call 973-6915.

Student- for stable and garden
work. 295-5437 9-5 on Monday
thru Friday.

Part-time secretary for downtown
Legal Aid office. Hours 1-5
Monday-Friday at $2.50 per hour.
No legal experience is necessary but
must type. Send application by
Friday Sept. 19 to Legal Aid
Society, P.O. Box 3016, Charlottesville,

Student for part time stable and
yard work. Call 293-6755.


M.T. Diklich, please come by
the Director's office, Newcomb
Hall and identify your wallet.


All former airline stewards
interested in getting together for
inter-line parties please call Mrs.
Fred Greaver at 296-7845. Clipped
wings will meet Sat. Sept. 20 at 12

Attention student golfers: The
Swannanoa Country Club of
Waynesboro Virginia is now accepting
membership for 1970: Join now
and save $15 off next year's dues of
$65. Sent check for $50 before
November 1. Open to public.

University Linen Service subscribers
who have not picked up
their initial set of linen should do
so immediately at our Echols office
open 9-6 p.m. Friday Sept. 12 and
starting Sept. 15 Monday through
Thursday 4-6 p.m. Students living
on or off the Grounds desiring linen
may still subscribe. Off Grounds
door to door deliveries will begin
on Monday Sept. 22 - details to be
published soon. Any questions or
problems - call our office

Will the person who dented my
tn Buick Wagon on Carr's Hill Rd.
9/9 please call 973-4700 - your
insurance will cover, mine won't!