University of Virginia Library


Graduate Study and Research
in the Field of Materials. Graduate
research assistantships available
for physicists, chemists, engineers
in outstanding research
group. Stipend-$2880/12 months
(half time) plus dependency allowances
and remission of all
tuition and fees. Post doctoral
positions and fellowships also
available. For information and applications,
write to: Director, Materials
Research Laboratory, the
Pennsylvania State University, 1112
Research Building, University
Park, Pa. 16802.

Personality Poster, Psychedelic,
ski Posters and Buttons. If we do
not have them, then you don't
want them. Send for samples and
Shop, 4609 E. Colfax, Denver, Colorado.

Spring Vacation in NASSAU.
Round trip ship from Mimi only
$74. Call Arnold Rogers, 296-1103.

Photographs for applications
ROTC and Service forms. One day
service. Gitchell's Studio. 21 E.
Main, 29-755.