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New and Enlarged Edition! With Numerous Engravings!!


Price FIFTY CENTS a Copy only; and sent free of Postage to any place
in the United States.

Containing one thousand Receipts, Directions, &c., for Agriculture and successful Farming;
Health, its preservation; the Culture of Flowers, of Silk, of Sugar-Beets, &c., and the cure and
treatment of Birds, of Horses, of Cows. of Poultry, of Bees, &c. The management and growth
of the Hair; beauty and preservation of the Teeth; with Instructions for the Ladies in cooking
Meats, and making Bread, Cakes, Pies, Preserves, Pickles; for making Ice Creams, and various
healthy Drinks, &c., &c. Also, Canals, Rail Roads, Phrenology, and an immense amount of
Political, Statistical, Geographical, and General Information, relating to the General Government,
and the various States and Territories of the Union; Synopsis of Girard's Will, Washington's
Farewell Address, and the Constitution of the United States, entire, with the
Amendments, &c.

Read the following Notices of the Press in relation to this Work:

“Experience and patient labor have made it a compilation to be consulted by the house
keeper, the merchant, the mechanic, the farmer, and in fact by every class of citizens.”

Philadelphia Saturday Courier.

“We know of no one better calculated than the Editor for making a useful book like the
present. It is a perfect Vade Mecum.”

Godey's Lady's Book.

“A very valuable little work, containing a great deal of useful information in a very small
compass, elegantly stereotyped from fine type.”

Saturday Evening Post.

* * * * “In fact, the book is a perfect omnium gatherum, containing
a great amount of highly useful information, facts, and hints, WHICH EVERY ONE ought to
be in possession of.”

Public Ledger.

“There is scarcely a subject which comes into notice in the daily walks of life, but is here
laid down and familiarly illustrated. The object of the compiler has been to make his book a
COMPLETE VADE MECUM, and in this he has succeeded.”

United States Gazette (Hon. J. R.

“This is a capital little volume. It is replete with information gleaned from a THOUSAND
SOURCES, and of the most AUTHENTIC CHARACTER. The compiler has embodied more
useful information than may be found in any volume of the same size that has ever been issued
from the American press.
THE PRICE is exceedingly reasonable.”

Pennsylvania Inquirer
and Daily Courier.

“We have never seen a volume embracing any thing like the same quantity of useful matter.
The work is really a treasure, and should speedily find its way into every family.”

Saturday Chronicle, (Hon. B. Matthias, President Senate Pennsylvania.)

The New Edition published since the foregoing notices were made, contains double the number
of pages, and is beyond all question, the most comprehensive and valuable work of the
kind ever published.

Among the new additions are—1. Catalogue of Useful Things. 2. Commercial Numbers.
3. New Postage Law. 4. Statistics of United States, Navy, Army, Debts of the several States,
&c. 5. Each of the State Capitols, Time of holding Elections, Meeting of Legislatures, &c.
6. British Possessions. 7. Consuls of U. States for 1850, and each preceding Census. 8 Select
Bible Passages, and Religious sentiments of each President of the United States. 9. The Sabbath
Convention Address. 10. Extensive Mint Tables, of Gold and Silver Coins of all Nations.
11. Distances and Directions of Principal Places on the Globe. 12. Weights and Measures.
13. Universal Time Table. 14. Coat of Arms, &c., of thirteen original States. 15. Statistics
and Flags of the principal Nations of the East. 16. Chrystal Palace, Maps, Public Edifices,
Portraits, &c., &c., &c.

It also contains a large and entirely new Map of the United States, which is of itself worth
the price of the book.

It is published complete in one volume, handsomely bound, with full-page Illustrations and
Portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, from Washington until the present time,
executed in the finest style of the art.

A copy of the work will be sent to any person, to any place in the United States, free of
postage, on their remitting 50 cents to the Publisher, in a letter, post-paid, or Two copies will
be sent, free of postage, for One Dollar.

Published and for sale by

No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.