University of Virginia Library


Copies of the proposed Budget for 1958-59 having been laid before the Visitors by the
Finance Committee, the Comptroller of the University appeared before the Board and presented a
Budget Summary, a copy of which was ordered to be filed with these minutes. Mr. Shea pointed
out that increases in fees, rentals, and appropriations will more than offset a decline in
Endowment income, making the estimated revenues for 1958-59 higher by $1,164,000 than the
revenues for the current year. Increased expenditures were proposed for filling vacant and new
positions, improved salary scales, expansion of food services, provision for increased enrollments,
and operation of the Nuclear Reactor. Mr. Shea estimated total revenues at $10,145,949,
and expenditures at $9,982,393, with an anticipated surplus of $163,556

After discussion the Board resolved to approve and adopt the Budget for 1958-59 as presented