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A Book which will not be forgotten.


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A Book which will not be forgotten.


Author of “Tempest and Sunshine,”' “The English Orphans,” “The Homestead
on the Hillside,” etc. etc.

In One Volume, 416 Pages, 12mo. Price $1 00.

As the social and domestic relations are the great sources of happiness,
or its opposites, so those romances that properly treat of those reations—of
the virtues that adorn, and of the vices that deform them
—are clearly the most interesting, impressive, and useful.

'LENA RIVERS is an American Domestic Story, unveiling in a masterly
manner the sources of social and domestic enjoyment, or of disquiet
and misery. By intermarriages of New England and Kentucky
parties, a field is opened to exhibit both Yankee and Southern domestic life,
for which the talented authoress was well prepared, being of Yankee
birth and early education, and having subsequently resided in the South
She was thus especially fitted to daguerreotype the strictly domestic
and social
peculiarities of both sections.


A work of unusual promise. Mrs. Holmes possesses an enviable talent in the study of
American character, which is so perfectly developed by acute observation from life, that
it would now be impossible for her to write an uninteresting book.

Phila. Sat. Bulletin.

There still lingers the artist-mind, enlivening, cheering, and consoling by happy
thoughts and pleasant words; moving the heart alternately to joy or sorrow, convulsing
with laughter, or bringing tears to the eyes.

Rochester American.

The characters are well drawn, and the tale is one of interest. It will find many well
pleased readers.

Albany Statesman.

The story is simple, natural, truthful.

Rochester Daily Advertiser.

Before we were aware, we had read the first two chapters. We read on—and on—and
it was long after midnight when we finished the volume. We could not leave it. We
know of no work with which we could compare “'Lena Rivers”—so as to form a just
estimation of its merits.

Merrickville Chronicle.

It is not the first of the author's works, but it is the best.

State Register.

To the sex we commend it, on the assurance of its merit, volunteered to us by ladies
in whose critical acumen we have the fullest confidence.

Buffalo Express.

The story opens in New England, and is continued in Kentucky, with very lively and
characteristic sketches of scenery and character in both States. It is both GOOD and INTERESTING.

New York Daily Times.

The moral of the plot is excellent. Cowardly virtue, as exhibited by 'Lena's father,
may here learn a lesson without suffering his bitter experience; while the rashness of
youth may be warned against desperate acts, before a perfect understanding is had.

Bedford Express.

This is an American novel possessing merit far superior to many which have been
published during the last two years. The delineations of character are neatly and accurately
drawn, and the tale is a deeply interesting one, containing many and varied incilents,
illustrative of the workings of the human mind, and of social and domestic life in
different parts of this country. The lesson to be deduced from its pages is a profitable
me—which is more than can be said of many novels of the day.


The scene of this tale is in Kentucky, although New England figures in it somewhat,
and New Englanders still more largely. It is written in a lively style, and the interest
is not allowed to flag till the story terminates. One of the best things in the book is its
sly and admirable hits at American aristocracy. It quietly shows some of “the plebian
vocation,” which have, early or late, been connected with the “first families,” and gives
us a peep behind the curtain into the private life of those who are often objects of envy.

Sold by all Booksellers. Single copies mailed, post paid, on receipt of
the price.

C. M. SAXTON, BARKER & CO., Publishers,
25 Park Row, New York.