University of Virginia Library


Happy Birthday, Toolette. RCK

Ski-Land Charlottesville expects to
open on December 7 and is now
accepting applications for
employment. We have a variety of
full and part time positions to fill:
1)30 ski instructors (full and part
time) a 17 years and older, b.
previous ski experience but
previous ski teaching experience
unnecessary. 2) 4 Lift Operators
(full and part time), A.
mechanically inclined. 3) 3 Rental
Shop Personnel (full and part time),
mechanically inclined. 4)
Secretary (full time), a. 40 hrs.
weeks, b. $110 per week, c.
experience necessary. 5) 2 Ticket
Sellers (part time).

Write or telephone: James Hanylik,
Ski Area Manager, 2635 Hydraulic
Rd., Cville, Va 977-3310.

Parking. Reserved spaces near
Rotunda. Call 924-7163.

Chunky asks that you watch for
major mane events upcoming in this
column. Major attention for major
changes. Dymaxion styling is as
major as you'd like. Your choice
regardless of length at "Only the
Best", Economo Mens' Hair Styles,
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.
Wash – Chunky's exclusive
Dymaxion–Dry 8 bucks. Get
ready for the country.

S.P.C.A. Rummage sale, Nov.
15-16-17, 10 am.-4 p.m. Side
Anderson Strudwick Bldg. E.
Market & 2nd Street.