University of Virginia Library

From the Rev. Charles S. Stewart, Chaplain in the United States Navy—Author of
a Journal of Voyages to the Pacific, &c. &c.

I have examined with much care, and great satisfaction, the “National
School Manual
,” compiled by M. R. Bartlett. The opinion I have formed of its
merits, is of little importance, after the numerous and highly respectable testimonials
to its value already in your possession.

A work of this kind has long been a desideratum in the economy of our public
schools, and I am persuaded that the advantages which this compilation is calculated
to secure to pupils, teachers, and parents, need only to be appreciated to
secure its introduction throughout our country. It will be found on trial, I think,
greatly to aid the instructor in his arduous service, while the pupil cannot fail,
in the use of it, if I am not mistaken, to make a more rapid and understanding
progress than by the method now generally pursued. To teacher and scholar the
importance and value of the system, I doubt not, would be fully shown after a
very brief trial, while the parent and guardian would soon learn its advantage
in an exemption from the heavy tax now imposed on them by a constant change
of books.

I should be happy to see the Manual in every common school in the Union, from
the conviction that the best interests of education would be promoted by it.

Chaplain U. S. Navy.