Board of Visitors minutes October 4, 1991 | ||
The following resolution was adopted:
- WHEREAS, the Clinical and Pathology Compensation Plan previously approved by the Board of Visitors has undergone a thorough review by Health Sciences Center management; and
- WHEREAS, as a result the Plan has been modified in the following significant respects:
- (1) Eliminate the mechanism of a 10% pool contribution from each department, a provision deemed no longer necessary;
- (2) Fund the School of Medicine Academic Advancement Fund with an amount equal to 8% of each department's gross professional fee collections less indirect cost recoveries made available to the Dean of the School of Medicine from the department's sponsored program research projects;
- (3) Adjust the clinical and pathology salary scale so that the maximum for guaranteed salaries is set at the 50th percentile of the national average for clinical faculty by discipline and rank, as reported annually by the Association of American Medical Colleges and so that maximum compensation, including variable and non-guaranteed payments, will not exceed 2.5 times the 50th percentile of the national averages defined above;
- WHEREAS, these revisions to the Plan are deemed necessary in order to foster the academic and service missions of the Health Sciences Center in an era of limited resources and a rapidly changing health care environment; and
- WHEREAS, the Vice President for Health Sciences, the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and the President have endorsed and hereby recommend these revisions to the Plan;
- NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia concurs with the recommended revisions to the Clinical and Pathology Compensation Plan.
Board of Visitors minutes October 4, 1991 | ||