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Page 40


In order to encourage the study of Scientific and Practical Agriculture
in Virginia, and thus promote the Farming and Planting
interests of the State, forty Farmers' Scholarships, (one for each
Senatorial district) will be open next session in the University,
in addition to the fifty State scholarships now existing under the law.
These Scholarships will be tenable for two years, and afford FREE
TUITION in the following schools:

1. Natural History and Agriculture.

2. General and Industrial Chemistry.

3. Agricultural Chemistry, and a prescribed course in Analytical
Chemistry in connexion with it.

4. Natural Philosophy.

5. Mathematics.

6. History and English Literature.

The amounts thus saved to the students appointed will be from $75
to $100 each session, according to the schools taken.

The Farmers' Scholarships will be conferred on those whose parents
are unable and who are themselves unable to incur the expense of
their education without aid, and who will declare their bona fide intention
to become farmers or planters.

The appointments will be made on the 20th of September. Applicants
must be at least seventeen years of age.

Applications containing satisfactory declarations as to the above
conditions, and accompanied by testimonials of irreproachable moral
character, and of capacity to profit by the instruction given in the
University, may be addressed to

Chairman of the Faculty.