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The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden

With "A Cypresse Grove": Edited by L. E. Kastner

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vi. Dedication of a Church.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Jerusalem, that place Divine,
The Vision of sweet Peace is nam'd,
In Heaven her glorious Turrets shine,
Her Walls of living Stones are fram'd,
While Angels guard her on each Side,
Fit Company for such a Bride.
She deckt in new Attire from Heaven,
Her Wedding-Chamber now descends,
Prepar'd in Marriage to be given
To Christ, on whom her Joy depends.
Her Walls wherewith she is inclos'd,
And Streets are of pure Gold compos'd.
The Gates adorn'd with Pearls most bright
The Way to hidden Glory show;
And thither by the blessed Might
Of Faith in Jesus's Merits go
All these who are on Earth distrest,
Because they have Christ's Name profest.
These Stones the Work-men dress and beat,
Before they throughly Polisht are,
Then each is in his proper Seat
Establisht by the Builder's Care,
In this fair Frame to stand for ever,
So joyn'd that them no Force can sever.
To God, who sits in highest Seat,
Glory and Power given be,
To Father, Son, and Paraclete,
Who reign in equal Dignity;
Whose boundless Power we still adore,
And sing their Praise for ever-more.