University of Virginia Library

They, who were called Saints; and may be such,
Although their fayling hath been very much;
Seem now the chief mark of GOD's indignation,
And censur'd are as sons of Reprobation;
Because, they often had fore-warned been,
(Twice were cast out of grace, and twice took in)
Are now depriv'd, a third time, of that pow'r
VVhich they abus'd to their own harm and our:
They are expos'd to such extream disgraces,
Such hazards of their goods, lands, lives and places,
And to such scorns, that, never was there more
Contempt cast upon any heretofore:


For, they, who as their Chiefs acknowledg'd them
(To their own shame) their persons did contemn;
And, far beyond all presidents, revile
Th'Authority they owned, ev'n the while
It was in being; though they did in that
Make, as it were a Close-stool of their Hat.