University of Virginia Library



Another little volume filled with varied verse and song,
Should wake another note of praise, unheard, but deep and strong;
For He who knows my truest need, and leads me day by day,
Has given the music that hath been such solace on my way.
I look up to my Father, and know that I am heard,
And ask Him for the glowing thought, and for the fitting word:
I look up to my Father, for I cannot write alone,
'Tis sweeter far to seek His strength than lean upon my own.
And so the closing verses of my new-filled book shall be
A note of praise, dear Father, sung only unto Thee,—
To Thee, who hast so helped me, to Thee who hast so blessed,
The only Friend who knows my heart, the nearest and the best.
I bless Thee, gracious Father, who hast moulded praise from pain,
And turned a wail of mourning to a trustful calm refrain,
To many a sorrow giving me an afterward of song,
And wafting it to other hearts in comfort true and strong.


I bless Thee, gracious Father, for Thy pleasant gift to me,
And earnestly I ask Thee that it may always be
In perfect consecration laid at Thy glorious feet,
Touched with Thine altar-fire, and made an offering pure and sweet.

Written on the last leaf of a ms. volume.