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A Judgement at this present is begun,
Which will extend to all ere it be done;
Ev'n unto those who execute his doom
On them, on whom it has already come;
(Yea, signally, in some respect or other,
To persons or estates, to friend or brother)
If they whom it concerns do not amend
What is misdone; wave, what they mis-intend;
And hearken to GOD's Voice in this their day
Of Tryal; and as (if they will) they may:
For GOD though much provokt, still giveth space
Twixt ev'ry Judgement, for preventing-grace:


And now, to be a Cautional to him,
(As his Corrections lately were to them
Who reigned last) this King, shal see them scourg'd
VVho scourged him, until their sins be purg'd,
God having cast his Predecessors out,
For their, and also for our sins (no doubt)
Them, with an Iron Rod begins to strike;
To shew, that sin he hates in all alike,
And make it known that he will no man spare,
(Though one of his own Houshold he appear)
If he shall scandalously give offence
In any kind, without true penitence.
A dreadful Judgement he hath brought on those,
VVho made of Piety, the fairest shows;
And they, as traytors to their King, are now
By those pursued, whom they did pursue
As traytors to their Country; and their Laws,
Yea their own Swords, turn Foes unto their Cause:
And they who lately, nor to friend nor foe,
But for by-ends, would either Justice do,
Or Mercy show, shall find in their distress,
That others will to them be merciless.