University of Virginia Library


[In an accepted time of love]

In an accepted time of love
To Thee, O Jesus, we draw near;
Wilt Thou not the veil remove,
And meet Thy mournful followers here,
Who humbly at Thy altar lie,
And wait to find Thee passing by?


Thou bidd'st us call Thy death to mind;
But Thou must give the solemn power:
Come then, Thou Saviour of mankind,
Bring back that last tremendous hour,
And stand in all Thy wounds confest,
And wrap us in Thy bloody vest.
With reverential faith we claim
Our share in Thy great sacrifice:
Come, O Thou all-atoning Lamb,
Revive us by Thy dying cries,
Apply to all Thy healing blood,
And sprinkle me, my Lord, my God.