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But Jack gave no time—“A Bible!” he says,
“A Bible! a Bible! chapter and vess!
Here you are! do you want to make fun of me?”
And the leaves goin' flyin', and “Deuteronomy,”


And—A wutch shall be put to death—very well;
And whips him over to Samuel—
“Wutches!” he says, “all right! all right!
And risin' the ould man in the dead of the night,
Ordered at Saul, ordered at Saul—
Sartinly, and hadn' no call,
Not the laste.”—“The witch of Endor,”
Says the Pazon; and “Yes! and how he'd befriend her,
And no punishment, he says; and look!
Look here!” says Jack, and shoves the book
Under the Pazon's very nose,
“Look here, man! look! and Samuel's ghose
Ascendin' urrov the earth—see, see!
Like gods.”—“You're makin' very free,
Jack,” I says; “respactful now!
Respactful, will ye!”—“Stop your row!”
Says Jack. “Lek gods, it's sayin'—what?
Eh, Pazon? But Samuel gev it him hot,
Didn' he, Pazon? Hev ye forgot?
Lizzen, lizzen! vess twenty-two;
And she made him ate his supper too—
To be sure!
Twenty-three, twenty-four—
And she hasted and killed a fat calf
See, see! and unleavened bread thereof
There ye are! went away that night
Fuss of Samuel, twenty-eight.
Now then! now then! No wutches, eh?
No wutches, Pazon? Is that what you say?
In the Bible?” And goodness grayshers!
What was the gud o' Pazons and praechers,
If they were goin' and denyin' the very texes
In the Bible itself? And—“The laste ye expecks is
Give in to the Bible!” And the Pazon smilin'
Very paceful. “Well, don't be vi'len'!”
Says the Pazon, “but let me 'splain the thing.”
Aw, Jack to sulk, and Jack to fling—
And what was these Pazons but all a sham?
And didn' care a twopenny d---n!



