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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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Edward the fourth. An. Dom. 1460.

Edward , the 4. the house of Yorks great heire,
By bloudy wars attain'd the Regall Chaire,
The poore King Henry into Scotland fled,
And foure yeeres there was royally cloath'd and fed,
Still good successe with him was in the wane,
He by King Edwards power at last was tane.
But yet before the tenth yeere of his reigne,
Hence Edward fled, and Henry crown'd againe.
By Warwicks meanes sixe moneths he held the same:
Till Edward backe in armes to England came,
And fighting stoutly, made this kingdome yeeld,
And slew great Warwicks Earle at Barnet field.
Thus Ciuill wars on wars, and broyles on broyles,
And England against England spils and spoyles,
Now Yorke, then Lancaster, then Yorke againe,
Quels Lancaster; thus ioy, griefe, pleasure, paine,
Doth like inconstant waters ebbe and flow:
Ones rising is the others ouerthrow.
King Edward, twenty two yeeres rul'd this Land,
And lies at Windsor where his Tombe doth stand.