University of Virginia Library

But O the hard! O night and day!
“O Lamb of God, that takest away
The sins of the world, have mercy upon us!”
(Kneel, men, kneel!) “have mercy upon us!”
“O Christ, hear us!
O Christ, hear us!
Lord, have mercy upon us!
Lord, have mercy upon us!
Christ, have mercy upon us!
Christ, have mercy upon us!
Lord, have mercy upon us
Lord, have mercy upon us!”
(Silence for a time.)
I'll go on. The service was over for sure,
And then we in on the back door,
And axed would the Pazon see us two,
Not Harry of coorse, that cudn' do
With the like o' yandhar, hadn' the wit in—
Bless ye! a good-sized field to spit in
Was Harry's notion, and, rocks or reels,
The Pazon's fields was beautiful fields.