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Among the pioneer citizens of Roanoke may be mentioned
the gentleman whose name captions this article.
Charles Straith Beller was born in Charlestown,
Jefferson County, Virginia
illustration (now West Virginia),
May 29th, 1858,
and is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Beller. He
was educated at the
Charlestown Academy
and at a Catholic school
at Harper's Ferry. He
was a pupil of Father
Lynch who was a
teacher in the last
named institution.

For a number of
years Mr. Beller was engaged
in the drug business
in various cities of
the country, coming
from Denver, Colorado,
to Roanoke, June 7th,
1882, on the third passenger train to this city over the
newly completed Shenandoah Valley Road. He purchased
a half interest in the first drug store established
in Roanoke and it was operated under the firm name of
Taylor & Beller. In 1883 it was moved to the corner
of Salem Avenue and Jefferson Street, and is now the
location of Johnson & Johnson.

In 1889 Mr. Beller engaged in the real estate business
and a few years later purchased the business of James S.
Simmons & Company. He has been a leading realty
agent for the past two decades and no man in Roanoke
is more familiar with real estate values. He is the
senior member of the firm of Beller & Wilson, with well
appointed offices in the National Exchange Bank
Building. This firm promoted and are the general
agents of the Raleigh Court Addition, and it is regarded
as the best suburban property in Roanoke County.
Mr. Beller is a progressive citizen and has done much
for the upbuilding of this city.

In 1883 he was married to Miss Lucy N. White, of
Fort Lewis, Roanoke County, daughter of the late
Alexander White, who was one of the county's oldest
and most prominent citizens. Her death occurred in
1903 and Mr. Beller two years later was married to
Mrs. M. G. Englar, daughter of Dr. Thomas F. Azpell,
Surgeon in the United States Army, of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. Mr. Beller has two daughters by his
first wife: namely, Miss Ella Gray Beller and Mrs.
E. R. Terrell.

Religiously Mr. Beller is a Presbyterian and one
of the organizers of the West End Presbyterian Church
and Chairman of the Board of Deacons.

He now resides at Crystal Spring, but in the near
future will erect a residence at Raleigh Court.