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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia :

the charter as amended and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole June 6th, 1932, in effect July 15th, 1932

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Board of Public Welfare.

XXXV. Superintendent of Public Welfare.

Sec. 462. Board of public welfare.

The Board of Public Welfare shall have the general control
and direction of the public charities of the City, and shall see
that those persons now receiving, or making application to receive,
assistance from the poor fund of the City are worthy cases.
The Board shall remand such cases to the District Home, as they
may deem proper, provided, however, that each such case must
first be approved by the City member of the District Home

Sec. 463. Representative to district home board—election—term—compensation.

The Council shall elect, for a term of two years, a representative
who shall be a member of the District Home Board. The
compensation of the said representative shall be as fixed by State

Sec. 464. Superintendent of public welfare—election
term and compensation.

The Board shall elect from a list of eligibles submitted by the
State Board, a superintendent of public welfare who shall hold
office at the pleasure of the Board, and shall receive such compensation
as may be fixed by the Council. The Superintendent
shall qualify and give bond as provided by the State law.

Sec. 465. Superintendent of public welfare—duties.

It shall be the duty of the Superintendent, on the application
by or on behalf of any person or family unable to support himself
or themselves, or if he or they have a legal settlement in the
City, to provide for or assist such person or family, but no person
shall be deemed to have a legal settlement in the City until
he has resided therein for one year, nor if he has migrated into


Page 188
the State within three years unless, at the time of migrating, he
was able to maintain himself. The Superintendent shall perform
such other duties as are or may hereafter be prescribed by
the State law, the Council, or the Board.

Sec. 466. Board of public welfare and superintendent of
public welfare—restrictions.

The Board of Public Welfare and Superintendent of Public
Welfare shall be responsible and accountable to the City for the
proper expenditure and account of all funds appropriated by the
City and no indebtedness shall be incurred by them beyond the
amount appropriated by the Council.

Sec. 467. Non-resident paupers coming into the City.

When it shall come to the knowledge of the Superintendent
that any person has come into the City who is likely to become
chargeable thereto it shall be his duty to report such cases to the
Chief of Police for removal to the district or county where they
were last settled.

Sec. 468. Aid to destitute non-residents.

In cases in which a person who has not lived in the City for a
year is in the City, sick and destitute, or not in a condition to
provide for himself or herself, he or she may be aided from the
poor fund until recovery, or in a condition to provide for themselves.
But the Superintendent with the concurrence of the
Board may discontinue the aid at any time. If a person is in the
City sick and destitute, or if any female or children, unable to
provide for themselves, are in the City and likely to become
chargeable to the City, the Superintendent with the consent of
the Board may send such persons to their homes, and the expense
of so doing shall be paid out of the poor fund.

Sec. 469. Reports of superintendent of public welfare.

The Superintendent shall annually on or before July 15th of
each year submit to the Council a written report containing an
itemized account of expenditures from the poor fund and an
itemized estimate of the necessary expenditures for the next year.

The Superintendent shall cause to be made on or before the


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10th day of each month to the City Manager a written report of
the activities of his Department for the preceding month on
forms prescribed by the City Manager. The Board of Public
Welfare and the Superintendent shall also furnish from time to
time such additional reports and information as may be required
by the Council or the City Manager.

Sec. 470. Burial of paupers.

Any person dying in the City may be buried at the expense of
the City, upon an order from the Superintendent of the Board
of Public Welfare, when, in the opinion of the said Superintendent,
the estate of the deceased is not sufficient to pay the expenses
of said burial. Said burial shall in all cases be in the pauper section
of the cemetery. The expense incurred in said burial shall
be charged against the appropriation for public welfare.

Sec. 471. Audit and inventory—reports.

The City Auditor shall annually, or as often as he may deem
necessary, audit the accounts and inventory the property of the
Board of Public Welfare and shall require the person receiving
and expending the funds of the Board of Public Welfare to keep
account of all receipts and purchases in such manner as the City
Auditor may prescribe and a report of said annual audit and inventory
shall be made to the Council not later than the thirtieth
day of September in each year.