University of Virginia Library


[Whoe'er rejects Thy sacrifice]

He that shall blaspheme against, &c. —iii. 29, 30.

Whoe'er rejects Thy sacrifice
Disdaining to be saved by Thee,
The Spirit of holiness decries,
The fulness of the Deity;
Which dwells for man in Thee alone,
Who scorns that He in him should dwell,
In spite of all Thy love hath done
He will his own damnation seal.
But O, my Lord and God Thou art,
Thou hast the Spirit to confer,
Who sprinkles with Thy blood my heart,
Renews me in Thine image here:
Jesus, the purchase of Thy death,
The Spirit pure of ripest grace
Into my panting bosom breathe,
And fit me thus to see Thy face.