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THESAURO-PHULAKION[Greek]: or, A treasury of divine raptures

Consisting of Serious Observations, Pious Ejaculations, Select Epigrams. Alphabetically rank'd and fil'd by a Private Chaplain to the Illustrious and Renowned Lady Urania The Divine and Heavenly Muse. The first part [by Nicholas Billingsley]

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220. On Commands Legal, Evangelical.

220. On Commands Legal, Evangelical.

Christ is the King of Kings (by him Kings reign)
And shall not he royal Edicts Ordain
To rule his Subjects by? 'tis well for Saints
That they are check'd by awful Laws restraints.
Th'heart would be ready to run wild in sin,
Did not Christs Law coerce and hold it in.
How many now are in the Devils Pound,
That from Christs Precepts have been stragling sound!
A godly man to God and Christ his laws
Consents, obeys in love; Gods Spirit draws
I'th' yoke with us, as a divine Loadstone
It moves the heart, which cannot move alone.
It blows upon the soul, and with its gales
Quickens in duty, the affections sails.
All Christs commands are very profitable;
Centring in blessedness, are honourable;
Are nectariz'd with jov, are transitory,
Saints now under the Yoke, shall rest in Glory.


Needs must the Laws and Statutes Christ enacts,
Be Eligible then for these respects.
The Gospels golden mandates easie are,
Compared to the Moral Law severe;
This, bids us Do and Live, That our desires
Accepts; Pers'nal Obedience This requires;
A surety That admits; This bids and threats,
But strengthens not to do; That power lets
Into the soul; its Precepts sweetned be
With promises, where is sincerity
God in the Gospel winks at our defects;
The Law perfect Obedience exacts.
Christs Laws are sweet and easie, if compar'd
To sins commands; Sin presses down as hard
As Lead, how easie are the Laws of Grace
Oppos'd to Hell! Hell is a restless place.
If Christs Commands we in the Ballance poyse
With Heavens Glory, and eternal Joys,
How light they are! what disproportion
Is there between our Service and the Crown
Of recompence, our travels and our pains
Are grains, compar'd with future massie gains.
O love the ways of God, and always bow
To Christs commands, Believers are not now
Under the thundring curses of the Law,
No, nor its Ceremonies; Stand in aw,
Yet serve God out of choice; his Law is right,
His yoke is easie, and his burthen light;


Think of the joy, the glory, the reward
Of godliness, Duty will not seem hard.