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James Bowman the subject of this sketch is a native
of Scotland and was born in Renfrewshire, March 8th,
1859, and is at present the moving spirit of the firm
of A. Bowman's Sons, who own and operate a first-class
bakery in Roanoke.


His parents are
Alexander Bowman, deceased,
and Janet
(Patrick) Bowman,
natives of Scotland.

Alexander Bowman
learned the bakery business
in his native land
and when he emigrated
to the United States, he
established a bakery at
306 2d Street, Southwest,
Roanoke, Virginia,
where his several
sons conduct the same
line of business.
A. Bowman died
January 16th, 1901.
He was well known for
his honesty, integrity, and splendid business methods.
His widow is now seventy four years of age and is
a resident of Roanoke.

James Bowman received his education and training
in the schools of Scotland, learning the baker's trade
under the guidance of his father. In 1880 he became
a partner in the business, under the firm name of A.
Bowman & Son. In 1888 he accompanied his parents
to America. At that time he was twenty-eight years
of age and soon became the mainstay of the business,
which, at that time was conducted on Commerce
Street. Owing to the large demand created for their
products, another bakery was established on Salem
Avenue, Southwest, where A. Bowman's Sons operated
for several years. As the city grew, the business of
the firm expanded; they had established reputation
for making good, wholesome bread which was always
in demand, and by their upright business methods
and sterling character won the confidence and respect
of the people of Roanoke. The business is conducted
to-day by the four brothers, James, Fergus, Charles
H. B., and David. They believe in the future of
Roanoke and have invested largely of their surplus
cash in good business property.

A few years ago, the Salem Avenue Bakery, which
had been converted into a confectionery and ice cream
parlor was sold to W. C. Sheen, a brother-in-law of
James Bowman and he removed his family from Knoxville,
Tennessee, to Roanoke. Mr. Sheen later removed
to Campbell Avenue in a newer and more
desirable location, where he conducts a first-class
American Restaurant.

Fraternally James Bowman is a member of Lakeland
Lodge of Masons, of which he is Past Master.
Many times has he represented his Lodge as a delegate
to the sessions of the Grand Lodge of the State and
for many years was a member of the working committee
of the Grand Lodge.

In 1885 he married Ellen Kay, also of Scotch nativity.
The following children have been born to
them; namely, Ellen H., who died in infancy, Alexander,
who died at two and one-half years, Ellen Kay,
and James Alexander.

Mr. and Mrs. Bowman are members of the First
Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, Virginia.