University of Virginia Library

Scæn. 5.

Enter Samela.
It is some comfort yet that I can change
My prison, though I am a pris'ner still,
Would I could change my companie as soon.
But ah! most wretched Samela, who wert
Born to misfortunes, and to nothing else:
As if that I alone were fortunes mark,
At which she onely ayms her angry darts.
The morning of mine age was clouded with
Mishaps, and now my noon is like to be
The fatal night unto my miserie.—
My Gaoler is so kind, as if he meant
To bribe my love; but these are gilded pills
I cannot swallow. Should my Father get
Me into his possession once again,
I were as bad, or worse: I know too well
His passion, to hope any help from him.
I'll tell him plainly who I am, and trie
If time have dull'd the edge of's crueltie:
Perhaps the kinder gods may move his heart
To pitie, and convert his rage to love.
He is my father still, and though unkind
To me, yet can I not forget I am


His child, and owe a dutie to his name.
He is my King, and so I must obey
His will; if I must suffer, let it be
From his, rather than from a strangers hands.
