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O thou, to all the vulgar blind,
Who fill'st the Poet's ample mind


With rapture, such as Shakespeare felt,
When at thy sacred shrine he knelt;
Such as inspires, in lofty strain,
To tell of agony and pain;
Or, o'er the harp, as the slow fingers move,
The gentler, soft, sooth'd mind inspires
With silent, yet more glowing fires,
While the loud numbers melt to strains of breathing love.
O with that glow whose modest flush
Gives Thomson's muse her chaster blush,
Or with th' expanding flames that silent lie,
To burst more bright from Collins' eye;
Or with the voice of Milton's song,
Pure as the heav'n, and as its thunder strong;
O fill my mind with all thy strength,
Like thy ideas without length;
Pour thro' my soul thy beaming light,
Within be glorious day, tho' all without is night!
Yet to that day, so bright begun,
O grant there be no setting sun;
Let not Distraction's hurrying storm,
Or idiot Madness, restless form,
Deface thy lively ray;


Long, Genius, let thy suppliant view
Thy airy robes of varying hue,
And eyes that dazzle day.
But if thy warm inspiring breath
Grow cold at the approach of Death;
If at his wintry grasp thy fire
But faint my lonely breast inspire;
Grant to the coming night, O youth divine,
One ray may linger yet, one cheering beam may shine!
And eyes of dewy light.
