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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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395. PART 1. “Our Father, which art in Heaven.”


May we call our God, “Our Father?”
The eternal, wise, and just!
We approach his awful presence?
Sinners! children of the dust!
Be encouraged
In his mercy still to trust.


May we banish all our terrors,
And to God for pardon cry?
May we raise our aspirations
To the everlasting sky;
And, 'mid glory,
Hope to enter, when we die?


Whence this privilege surpassing,
Granted to our fallen race?
Whence this confident reliance
On complete and sovereign grace?
This assurance
To behold our Maker's face?


Heavenly Father! once offended,
Now thy wrath is turn'd away!
Thou art reconciled to sinners!
One has stoop'd, our debt to pay!
Christ hath suffer'd,
And reveal'd the living way!

396. PART 2. “Hallowed be thy Name.”


In our world of sin and sorrow,
Here, the wicked; there, the just;


All retain some boasted treasure;
But, the gold that will not rust,
He possesses,
Who has made God's name his trust.


In their sport shall mortals venture
To prophane that Holy Name;
Heedless of their Maker's anger,
At whose word from dust they came!
Who upholdeth
Nature's universal frame!


All alike will need a shelter
From the storm that soon will rise!
There are clouds of fearful omen,
(Gathering in the further skies!)
Mid the tempest,
In his Name our safety lies!


What below shall soothe our terrors,
When his raging blasts descend?
If his name no shelter yield us;
If our God be not our friend?
In dismay our hopes will end!


What, in death, shall grant us comfort,
If his face Jehovah hide?
What in judgment shall support us,
When the book is open'd wide,
If no refuge,
God, our final judge, provide!


Spared by mercy, from this moment,
May we all our sins bewail!
In our hearts, may solemn reverence
At the Name of God prevail,
In whose presence,
Seraphim their faces veil!


397. PART 3. “Thy Kingdom come.”


Mighty Lord! extend thine empire!
Be the truth with triumph crown'd!
Let the lands that sit in darkness
Hear the glorious gospel's sound,
From our borders,
To the world's remotest bound!


By thine arm, eternal Father!
Scatter far the shades of night!
Let the great Immanuel's kingdom
Open like the morning light,
And the future,
Realize our visions bright!


What are Satan's mightiest barriers,
Which a breath of thine o'erthrows!
Shall the creature, in his phrensy,
The Creator's power oppose?
Him, whose lightning—
Ruin hurls upon his foes!


Come! too long to earth a stranger!
Once again thy reign restore!
In thy strength, ride forth and conquer,
Still advancing, more and more,
Till the heathen
Shall the Lord Supreme adore!


On their cruel habitations
May the dawn celestial break!
May they, from the sleep of ages,
To the blaze of day awake!
Spurn their idols,
And the Lord their portion make!



Nor, in breathings for thy kingdom,
Would we banish from our prayer,
Men, renouncing home and kindred,
Tidings of the Cross to bear;
Ease disdaining,
Burning suns, and poisonous air!


Such, of high and noble daring,
Venturing thus the truth to spread;
Bounteous Father! good and gracious,
On their path thy blessings shed!
And, in danger,
Cheer their heart, and shield their head!


Oh! what crowns await the faithful,
When the storms of life shall cease!
Mansions fair, for every pilgrim,
Joys untold, that still increase;
Thought, exceeding!
Cloudless skies, and perfect peace!


If afflictions press us downward,
While, as strangers, here we roam,
Comforts rich are in reversion,
When we reach our Father's home,
And, no longer
Cry, O Lord! thy Kingdom come!

398. PART 4. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”


God alone is King in Zion!
On his high and holy hill,
Low adoring, loftiest angels
Wait around to do his will,
While hosannahs
The celestial mansions fill.



Man alone, through all creation,
Dares his sovereign power disown;
Yet, through mercy full and flowing,
For our sins doth Christ atone!
Heavenly Father!
Turn to flesh our hearts of stone!


Days of glory lie before us;
Thou hast promis'd, it shall be!
Like the sun, from night emerging,
Preludes of that day we see!
Bless'd Immanuel!
Let all people turn to thee!


Let the world thy will accomplish;
Thee, to serve, is freedom true!
May the Turk, the Jew, the Heathen,
In thy name, all fulness view!
Spoil recover'd!
Let thy grace their hearts renew!


By thy might, Divine Redeemer!
Rend hell's adamantine chain!
O'er each soul, through every kingdom,
Sway thy sceptre; live and reign!
Let the nations
Turn from all their idols vain!


Through our hour of short probation,
Let thy will, O Lord, be done!
Time recedes, and death advances;
Ere our sands forbear to run,
Father! give us
Saving faith, in Christ, thy Son!

399. PART 5. “Give us this day our daily bread.”


Lord of life! upon thy bounty,
Daily, we for bread depend!


Great and tender are thy mercies;
Thou art an abiding friend!
Guard us hourly,
Till our mortal journies end.


Not to earthly bread confine us;
Better bread than this we need!
Source supreme of every blessing!
For the bread of life we plead!
May our spirits
On this hidden manna feed!


We, too long, with fruitless labour,
Have pursued the chaff of earth!
We the vain desire have cherish'd,
Heedless of our lofty birth!
Objects prizing,
Deem'd, by wisdom, nothing worth!


Bursting from our strong delusions,
Now we joys superior seek:
In creation's face around us,
May we hear our Father speak;
And, obedient,
Listen with the spirit meek.


'Tis thy shower the earth that waters!
'Tis thy sun that warms and cheers!
'Tis alone thy fruitful blessing,
That with mercy crowns our years!
Fount of goodness!
May we thank thee, through our tears!


But a clearer voice directs us;
In thy word, thy will we see:
Here is light, all else is darkness,
May that light our guidance be!
In our journey,
Through life's wilderness to thee!



Here on earth, thy bread upholds us,
But surpassing visions rise;
Bread of heaven we hope to feast on,
Through the one great sacrifice!
Safe in glory,
When the world in ruin lies.

400. PART 6. “Forgive us our Trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us.”


We, O Lord! implore for giveness;
Merit we have none to plead;
All with thee is free bestowment;
All, with us, is want and need:
For our wanderings
May a Saviour intercede!


How shall we, Great Fount of goodness!
Half our debt, stupendous, pay?
Thou, when other refuge fail'd us,
Help on Christ didst freely lay;
Our forerunner,
Source, and pledge of endless day.


What obedience have we render'd
For this hope of joys divine?
What return, with heart devoted,
For a gift so vast as thine?
Grateful incense!
In life's dawn, or its decline?


Trespasses in youth committed,
Shrink from thine inspection pure;
Trespasses, in riper manhood,
Leave us shelterless and poor;
Christ incarnate,
Safety can alone insure.



We have borne another's trespass,
As to him we pardon show,
So for all our own transgressions,
Thy forgiveness, Lord! bestow!
More like Jesus,
Daily, hourly, may we grow.


God of love! extend thy mercy!
Saviour! whom we once denied,
In thy blood, that precious fountain!
May we all alone confide;
And, hereafter,
See thee by thy Father's side!

401. PART 7. “Lead us not into temptation.”


Evil men, and evil spirits,
Bent upon our harm, surround,
Yet, whatever be their malice,
They, by fetters, fast are bound:
Unseen angels
Our perpetual guard are found!


May we know our only refuge,
When temptations, Lord! arise;
We are feeble, but, to cheer us,
In thy strength, our safety lies:
Fix our vision—
Steadfastly on yonder skies!


Trials tend, by thine appointment,
To correct our thoughtless heart:
When temptation (like a torrent)
Overwhelms, thy grace impart!
Foes are harmless,
If the Lord be on our part.



Make us, of ourselves, distrustful,
From the failures that are past;
On our God, with calm reliance,
May we all our burdens cast:
If we faint not,
Long the tempest will not last.


Though we wander now in darkness,
Brighter suns and skies await;
When a few more clouds have gather'd,
We shall reach a happier state:
Saints invite us,
From heaven's everlasting gate.

402. PART 8. “For thine is the kingdom, and the power.”


Monarch of the wide creation!
Thy directing hand we own:
Man may boast the sovereign empire,
But the power is thine alone!
Kingdoms vanish—
Thine is an eternal throne!


Mists involve our every prospect;
Thou beholdest things afar,
And, obedient to thy purpose,
All things were, and all things are,
Since, rejoicing,
Sang, at first, the morning star.


Shall we dare arraign our Maker!
Him, whose ways are deep, and high?
Shall our dim and feeble vision,
In Thy secret counsels pry?
Veil'd from mortals,—
Seen not by the seraph's eye?



Though, on all our fallen natures,
Spirits, dark, their influence shower;
There is still, to stem the torrent,
Barrier firm, a rock, a tower:
Thine, O, Father!
Is the kingdom, and the power!


Be the empire wide of evil,
By thy might, O Lord, o'erthrown!
Let thy Son, in strength resistless,
Tread his haughtiest rivals down,
And, for ever,
Guide the sceptre, wear the crown!

403. PART 9. “And the glory.”


Angels, give the loud ascription
To the Majesty on high!
And, in all their wide commissions,
Traversing the starry sky,
Sound his praises
Ever distant! ever nigh!


Let the boastful heirs of frailty
From their towering heights retire!
Let them give to God the glory,
And, (with prostrate hearts,) aspire
Self to humble,
And exalt the Almighty Sire!


At his mandate, if transgressions
Haste to a perpetual end;
If the powers of darkness tremble,
And the reign of truth extend;
To Jehovah
Let hosannahs loud ascend!



If our efforts have been honour'd
By the Lord, whom we adore;
If his face has smil'd upon us,
In our basket, and our store,
To his glory
Praise be offered evermore!


If, when time is fast retiring,
And eternity is near;
If the hope of heaven, unfolding,
Our departing spirits cheer;
We shall glory
In the Lord, whom angels fear!


If, beyond the waves of Jordan,
Join'd by every tongue and tribe,
God, in his eternal record,
Our unworthy names inscribe,
All the glory
We shall to the Lamb ascribe!

404. PART 10. “For ever.”


What a depth profound of meaning
In that word, for ever, lies!
Kindling thoughts of joy or sorrow,
As alternate scenes arise!
While, impatient,
Time on rapid pinion flies!


He who wets his nightly pillow,
On the world's wide desert cast;
Trouble still succeeding trouble,
Wave on wave, and blast on blast,
Thinks, rejoicing,
They will not for ever last.



If, upon our cold horizon,
Hope's seraphic form should break;
Resting on the Rock of Ages!
Which, nor flood, nor storm can shake;
Then, what transport
Does the word, for ever, wake!


But a darker doom is threaten'd!
Ill that cannot know a cure;
Go, ye cursed! is the sentence,
From the ransom'd and the pure!
Who, for ever!
May Jehovah's wrath endure!


Yet, prepar'd for every pilgrim,
Faith beholds a happier shore;
Fruits are there which gladden angels;
Joys, which ages must explore!
Still augmenting,
When the lapse of time is o'er!


What are scenes that glide before us,
Like the blush of closing day?
Souls, sublimed from dross of nature,
Spurn the good that will not stay?
Earthly objects
Charm their hour, and pass away!


Let the word, the long for ever,
Be with all our aims combin'd!
Streams that fail, and flowers that wither,
Suit not the immortal mind!
Ground, that shakes not,
Firm as heaven, our feet must find!


Through thy grace, Almighty Father!
By thine influence, Heavenly Dove!
For thy sake, Divine Redeemer!
May we here be fill'd with love;


And, for ever,
Serve thee in the world above!

405. PART 11. “Amen.”


Ere we utter, it is finish'd,
And the last amen repeat;
Many steep and toilsome wanderings,
'Mid alternate cold and heat,
Through life's journey,
Still await our wandering feet!


Lessons, hard to be adopted,
We must learn before we die,
And, “Amen” be oft repeated,
With the tear, and with the sigh,
To prepare us
For the glorious world on high!


Can we see our friends desert us
For religion's cause alone;
Can we, if possessions vanish,
Still our Father's goodness own?
Looking forward
Where afflictions are unknown?


Can we, if disease invade us,
Pain or languor overtake,
Say, amen, and with the faithful,
Heaven alone our refuge make?
Brought the nearer
As our comforts us forsake?


If the hopes our hearts have cherish'd,
Brighter than the summer's day,
God, in his unerring wisdom,
Like our gourds, should take away;


Could our spirits
Then, amen! devoutly say?


And, when death at length approaches,
(Whose precursors pass'd before,)
Are we then prepar'd to utter
The amen! and God adore?
Ever willing
What he wills, and nothing more?


Then, a glorious consummation
Waits to make our joy complete!
When, (beholding Him who bought us,)
We surround the mercy seat,
And, the final,
Loud and long, amen! repeat!