University of Virginia Library



Haste thee hither, Sisters three,
Music, Painting, Poesy!
Music, chauntress, that was born
On creation's glorious morn,
When the stars in choral hymn,
And the sweet-voic'd cherubim,
Sang the goodness and the might
That from chaos call'd the light:—
Painting, that is wont to trace
Gentleness, expression, grace,
And, with never-fading hue,
Ev'ry flow'r that drinks the dew:—
Poesy, companion meet,
Making solitude more sweet,
Rapt with some inspiring theme,
Avon! by thy silver stream—
Each from her celestial sphere
Deign awhile to linger here,
And with various pow'rs combin'd,
Charm the ear, the eye, the mind.