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Chiefly Written in Retirement, By John Thelwall; With Memoirs of the Life of the Author. Second Edition

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SPIRIT DIVINE! by whatsoever name
(Sacred, or classic) thou delight'st to hear
The votive salutation, O! attend,
From those empyreal regions where thou sitt'st,
Among the ministering seraphim enthron'd
Who guard our sea-girt realm; and, by the side
Of Albion, awful in cerulean robe,
Shar'st (from primeval time) the trust conferr'd
Of heav'nly tutelage; with helmed brow
And missile thunder, from the horrent shores
Chacing invasive Ravage; or the breast
Of mission'd Patriot with sublimest rage,
In perilous hour, inspiring, to confound
Inborn Oppression, with triumphant arm,
Or martyrdom more glorious. Thee I call,
That, in the wrong'd Northumbrian's dauntless soul
Breathing ethereal energy, inform'd
His mind to worth and wisdom; such as ne'er
Beam'd in his darker age; nor ever warm'd
Chieftain, or sage, or hero of this isle,
Anglian or British, till, in after times,
Ina and Alfred in his godlike steps
Trod reverent; and, by his example fir'd,
Tower'd to immortal fame. O! then, descend,
Seraphic ardour! from thy starry throne—
My theme's appropriate patron!—As to thee
Belongs The Hero, so inspire The Song.