University of Virginia Library


V. Psalm xlvii.

Oh clap your hands; exultant raise
The shout of holy mirth!
The awful God of Judah praise,
Sovereign o'er all the earth.
The nations that against us rose,
The Lord has overthrown,
And made our tributary foes
Their forced subjection own.
The happy land in which we dwell
Was chosen by His grace:
Glory and pride of Israel,
Beloved and favoured race!
What shouts of triumph rend the sky?
The ark of God ascends.
The trumpet's royal harmony
Jehovah's state attends.


Sing to our God in joyful strains;
Sing praises to our King.
Sovereign o'er all the earth he reigns:—
In skilful contest sing.
Supreme He reigns, God over all,
Throned on His holy seat;
Where, at the solemn festival,
The assembled princes meet.
There with their several tribes they stand,
Who Abraham's God adore.
God is our shield—He guards our land,
Most High for evermore.