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A Tale of Mona: And other poems. By Louisa Stuart Costello

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Thou gloomy witness of my wayward fate,
Let my sad heart its sorrows breathe to thee—
Thy stony walls are kinder than the great;
Thou art more pitying than mankind to me!
Tho' well I know to thee 'twere vain to sue;
Thy senseless frame can never soothe my care;
Yet James no more of tender mercy knew,
When at his feet I pour'd the useless pray'r.
His mind, where feeling never held her throne,
Was far more deaf than thee to all my woe;
Truth—Virtue—Nature—from his breast is flown:
Ne'er knew that heart with ought but pride to glow.


Oh, when I bade him think on Mary's fate,
Did not his mother's sorrows move his soul?
Could nought dispel his stern—his cruel hate,
Which bound me thus beneath his fierce controul!
Oh! all ye shades which once these walls immur'd,
Look down while hapless Arabella sighs!
Ye gentle pair whom early death secur'd,
Sad on the wind methinks I hear your cries.
Each dismal gust that sweeps these turrets by,
Reminds my shudd'ring thoughts of horror's deeds!
Now murder'd Clarence' groans around me fly—
Now fancy shapes where royal Henry bleeds.
Alas! what shade arises 'midst the gloom,
And bows her white neck to the headsman's blow;—
Oh, lovely Anna! such thy dreadful doom!
A monarch's falsehood brought thy beauty low.
The vision fading from my tearful eyes,
But bids my mind on equal sorrows rest;
Thy fate, fair Grey! anew recals my sighs,
And sheds fresh torment on my aching breast!


No more my throbbing sight can bear to view—
Soon dreary shades I join your beck'ning train;
Depart awhile, but for a short adieu,
For soon I feel that we shall meet again.
Come, courteous sleep, and yield thy dewy pow'r,
Nor let me longer dwell on sights so dread,
But for awhile believe my sorrows o'er,
And shew me where my Seymour rests his head!
Wrap in forgetfulness my wand'ring mind,
Spurn lurking horror from my wounded breast;
Ne'er let me wake again, such griefs to find,
But bid calm death steal silent on my rest!