University of Virginia Library



When I pass out to the light,
From dark to exceeding bright,
From cold to the warmth of the sun,
How shall that good be won?
What is the way for me?
Master, how shall it be?
How if the longed-for way
Which I hunger for to-day,
Which I pray for with eager breath,
Should be the way called death?
Were this the way for me,
Master, how would it be?
How if the way I seek
With footsteps weary and weak,
Scarcely able to move,
Should be the way called love?
Were this the way for me,
Master, how would it be?


How if the way I desire
Should lie through the heart of the fire,
And glowing bonds amain
Clasped me in utter pain?
Were this the way for me,
Master, how would it be?
I know not, dear my Lord;
Humbly I wait Thy word;
Through, death, love, pain, I need
Only Thy hand to lead;
And the one true way for me,
Master, is trusting Thee.