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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

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XXXVII. Genesis, XLI.

The Famine begins. Joseph's Brethren, &c.

Time now had ripen'd Fate, and on the Spheres
Had spun the first, bless'd Week of plenteous Years:
The Granaries are fill'd by Joseph's Care,
And all against th'approaching Storm prepare;
Which now arrives, a dreadful Famine reigns,
Nor Father Nile cou'd bless his Egypts Plains:
They on their unexhausted Stores rely,
And forein Regions can from thence supply;
Old Jacob hears, and sends his Sons to buy;
For Canaans fertile Fields their Want confess,
Scorch'd like Arabia's Sandy Wilderness.
His Benjamin alone behind 'em stays,
The Second Hope of his declining Days:
The Ten to Egypt come, by Joseph known,
Tho' to his Brethren he a Stranger grown:
Roughly he asks 'em whence they came, and why?
Trembling and pale, from Canaan, they reply
To purchase Food—Rather the Land to spy
From Lubims wast, or Cush, our ancient Foe
He fierce, rejoins—With suppliant Voice and low
Agen they plead their Truth, and thus began,
We once Twelve happy Sons of one Old Man;
One his untimely Fate long since did find,
The Youngest with his Father stays behind.
Let this appear, you vindicate your Truth;
Replies the Prince, but go, and bring the Youth:
The while this Pledge shall your Return secure,
Or just Rewards of broken Faith endure.
Simeon, to Blood and Murder most inclin'd
When him they sold, he bids his Servants bind;
The rest return with Corn, he stays in Chains behind.