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Female Poems On Several Occasions

Written by Ephelia. The Second Edition, with large Additions

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[When Busie Fame, o're all the Plain]


When Busie Fame, o're all the Plain
Phylena's Praises rung,
And on their Oaten Pipes, each Swain
Her Matchless Beauty sung:
The Envious Nymphs were forc'd to yield,
She had the sweetest Face;
No Emulous Disputes they held,
But for the second Place.


Young Celadon (whose stubborn Heart
No Beauty e're cou'd move,
But smil'd to hear of Bow and Dart,
And brav'd the God of Love:)
Wou'd view this Nymph, and pleas'd at first
Such Silent Charmes to see,
VVith wonder Gaz'd, then Sigh'd, and Curst
His Curiosity.