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A new edition of the life and heroick actions of the renoun'd Sir William Wallace

General and Governour of Scotland. Wherein the Old obsolete Words are rendered more Intelligible; and adapted to the understanding of such who have not leisure to study the Meaning, and Import of such Phrases without the help of a Glossary

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CHAP. II. How Corspatrick brought into Scotland Bishop Beik and Robert Bruce, and how WALLACE gave them Battle and put them out of Scotland.

Now Warlike Wallace 'gainst Corspatrick goes,
And both the Armies fast together close.
The bloody Battle quickly does appear,
Each with his hashing Sword and piercing Spear;
Against his Fellow furiously does ride,
And Havock great makes there on ev'ry Side.


Some were kill'd dead, some got their mortal Wound,
Some from their Horses suddenly knock'd down.
On Suthron Side, Five Thousand on the Spot
Lay dead; the Scots did push so very Hot,
And did their Front cut down so furiously,
That all the Rest were on the Wing to fly.
But Earl Patrick in the Wars expert,
Keep'd still his Ground, and caus'd his Men take Heart.
The Scottish Host, Men of renowned Fame,
Did cut down cleanly all, where e'er they came.
Wallace, and Ramsay, and the Graham worth Gold,
Richard of Lundie, and the Seatoun bold,
And Adam Wallace true of Riccardtoun;
Both Hay, and Lyle, all Men of great Renown,
Boyd, Barclay, Baird, and Lauder true and tight,
Numbers of English-Men kill'd in the Flight.
Yet Earl Patrick, fiercely still fought on,
With his own Hand to death put many one.
Then the brave Scots, so boldly him accost,
Great Slops they made thro' all the English Host.
The Suthron then, plainly began to flee.
Till Bishop Beik approaching fast they see.
The Ambush all at once does quickly then,
Break up, consisting of Ten Thousand Men,
Whom when good Wallace saw so fast appear,
He thought it fit on Horse Back to retire.
But yet his Men, together stuck so fast,
Fain wou'd he try the Suthron as they past.


He so surrounded was with this fresh Host,
On either Side, that he was almost lost.
The worthy Scots, so fiercely fought again,
Of Beik's new Men, Abundance they have slain.
The Earl Patrick, sturdily he fought,
Thro' all the Throng and there, for Wallace sought.
To whom he did in spite o's Coat of Mail,
Give such a Blow as wounded him a deal.
Then Wallace drew against that Traitor Lown
A Stroke which mist him, but clove Maitland down.
Who racklesly, betwixt the Two did pass;
Such his hard Fate, and sad Misfortune was.
Good Wallace now, he is left all alone,
And quite surrounded by the Suthron,
His Horse is stick'd, he's forced to alight,
And fight on Foot, the best Way that he might.
Who laid about him, without Fear or Dread,
With his good Sword that Trusty was indeed,
The Earl Patrick then, commanded soon,
With Spears that they should bear good Wallace down.
Who, like a Champion brave stood on the Field,
Hew'd off their Heads and scorned for to yield.
The worty Scots of this they little wist,
Got to good Graham when they their Chiftain mist.
Lauder and Lyle, and Hay, that were so wight,
And Ramsay bold, that brave and gallant Knight.
Lundie and Boyd, and Chrystal Seatoun true;
Five Hundred Horse brought Wallace to rescue.


Then in amongst them furiously they rade,
Large Room about them quickly there they made.
The Bishop Beik was trampled on the Ground,
Without Respect unto his Lordship's Gown.
E'er he got up a great deal there they slew,
Then gallantly, brave Wallace did rescue.
Upon a Horse they mounted him on Sight,
Then to a Strength rode off with all their Might.
Where he Four Thousand of his Men did find,
To the great Satisfaction of his Mind.
To Bishop Beik, Corspatrick does return,
Curses Misfortune, and begins to mourn;
When as he found Seven Thousand Men were lost,
And kill'd that Day, for all the Bishop's Boast.
Of Wallace Men Five Hundred kill'd I guess,
But not one Chiftain, so he car'd the less.
The Bishop Beik with what Men he had there
Left Lammer-More and quartered elsewhere.
Who when the Field of Battle he had past,
To Wallace, all the Country flocked fast.
Crawford of Edinburgh, brought with him on fight
Four Hundred Men, all in their Armour bright.
From Teviotdale came many a good Man,
From Jedburgh also with what Speed they can.
Sir William als the Lord of Douglass came,
With Fourscore Men of most undoubted Fame.
Two Thousand fresh new Men, do there propose,
A full Revenge that Night upon their Foes.


Wallace's Watches all good Men and true,
Attentively the Suthron's Quarters view.
Then after Supper Wallace quietly,
To Lammer-moor march'd with his Cavalrie,
Sir John the Graham, and Seatoun, that good Hand,
Lauder, and Hay, Three Thousand did Command.
The Rest himself most wisely he did guide,
With him was Douglass, Ramsay, Barclay, Boyd.
Richard of Lundie, a bold Man and stout,
And Adam Wallace, whom no Man durst doubt.
Who by the Time the Sun was come in Sight
Surpris'd the English, unprepar'd for Fight.
And furiously, with Sword in Hand cut down,
Many a Proud and Saucie Suthron Lown
Some rose confus'dly and some fled away,
Some on the Ground were smored where they lay.
Great Noise, and Cry arose, all round about,
Then came Sir John the Graham both Bold and Stout;
With his brave Men, all chearful, blyth and glad,
At Sight of whom, Ten Thousand Suthron fled.
Yet Bishop Beik, behav'd well in that Throng,
And in the Fight continued very long.
One Skeltoun there that was an English Knight,
Before him stood, in shining Armour bright;
To save his Lord, he fought most valiantly,
Whom, there so soon as Lundie did espy;
With his good Sword, a backward Stroak he gave
Which kill'd the English Knight, both stout and brave.


Then fled they all, no longer durst abide,
Patrick, and Beik, away with Bruce do ride.
Who with Five Thousand, took the readiest Way
To Norham House; with all the Speed they may.
The Scots, who were both able, young and tight,
Pursu'd and kill'd great Numbers in the Flight.
Thus Twenty Thousand Sutheron in a Word,
In Flight, and Battle, perish'd by the Sword.
Wallace returns from Norham, without more,
But for the Bruce, his Heart was mighty sore.
Whom he had rather seen the Crown enjoy,
Than Master been of all the Gold in Troy.
O'er Patrick's Lands, Wallace he marched fast,
Took out the Goods, and Castles down did cast.
He Twelve of them, that Methamis they call
Broke quickly down, and them destroyed all.
Within the Merse, and Lowthian left he none,
To him belong'd, except Dunbar alone.
To Edinburgh then, he march'd on the Eight Day,
And on the Morrow, he without Delay,
Unto St. Johnstoun very quickly past,
And told the Barrons all from First to Last
How sacredly he keeped had his Vow,
And got a Master to Corspatrick now.
VVho said of late, that he as free did Reign
In this Realm, as either Prince, or King.
Of what he's won, need's not great Boasting make,
Let him come back, and now take up his Stake,


Great Thankfulness the Lords did there express
To Providence, for Wallace good Success.
Then Wallace with an open lib'ral Hand,
To Men deserving dealt the Rebel's Land.
To his own Kin no Heritage gave he,
But Offices that ev'ry Man might see,
All he propos'd, was this one very Thing,
The Nation's Peace, and Honour of his King.
For which he would abide and stand the Law.
So soon as he, his King and Master saw,
Now Old, and Young, the Girl and the Boy;
Have Peace and Rest, and clap their Hands for Joy.