University of Virginia Library

The .xlvi. Psalme.

God is our refuge and our strēgth in all our miserie:
And a moste present succour in our great aduersitie.
Wherfore we wyll not feare thoughe the earth moue out of hir place:
And though the hylles emydde the sea, do threate to falle apase.
Yea though the waues therof shoulde rage and forowe vp the slyme:
And make the greate hylles tremble when they do agaynst them clyme:
Yet shal the streames of the ryuer styll refreshe goddes Citie:
And the holye place of the tentes, of the Lord God moste hye.
God is in the myddle therof, wherfore it shall not fall:
He shall helpe it before it do take any harme at all.

Let the heathē styr vp tumultes, & kyngdomes make styrrynges:
And let the earth breake in sunder, wyth passynge greate criynges:
Yet doth the Lorde of hostes styll stande faste by vs at oure nede:
Iacobs God is our stronge tower and oure defence in dede.
Come hyther and beholde the worckes of the Lorde wyth your eyne:
What wonders he hath wrought on earth, thorowe his powre diuine.
To the vtmost partes of the earth, all warres he appeaseth:
He breaketh bowes, he shreddeth speares, & charettes he burneth.
Send backe and acknowledge that I am the Lorde God alone:
Moste hygh emonge the nations, on earth lyke me is none.
The Lord of hostes is on our syde, he doeth styll take our parte:
Iacobs God is our high castell, he wyll not from vs starte.