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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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.vij. opera spiritualia misericordie

Þer be seuen werkys of gostly mercy.
þat god chargis more þan þe werkys of bodily mercy.
and þey be bettyr and esyer to fulfylle.
The fyrst is to teche men þat be vncunnynge of goddys lawe.
The secunde is to counseyl men in dowte whiche is sekyr. wey to plese god.
The þridde ys to chastyse hem þat be rebel aȝenst godis comaundementys.
þe ferthe is to conforte men. þat be in care and disese.
The fyfte is to for-ȝeue rancour of herte. hate. and envye
The sexte is to suffre paciently.
whan men be out of pacience, resoun and mesoure.


The seuent and þe last is to pray erly and late for oure enmys. as crist byddys in þe gospel.
Euery man pore and riche may do alle þese ; whaneuer he wyl
in o maner or in anoþer. and he is neuer þe porer.
and þey bryngge sowlys out of mischefys of synne.
Therfore as þe sowle is better þan þe body ;
So þese gostly mercyes be better þan þe bodyly mercyes.
A / lord how cursyd be þey. þat may lyȝtly do þese werkys of gostly mercy
and do not.
sythen þey be so cursyd of god þat do nat þe werkys of bodyly mercy.
þat ar not so esy ne so profytable.
But how moche more be þei cursyd of god ; þat bynde hem-self wilfully.
and takyn moche mede to do þese werkys of gostly mercy.
As do Curatis and prelatis. and ȝit do hem nat.
but lettys oþer men to fulfylle hem be feynyd iurisdictioun
whan þey hem-self may not. con not. or wyl not.
for worldly bysynesse or ese of here body.
hyt semyþ be many resonys. þat þey be more cursyd þan scariot or Symon magus.
and deppyr schul be dampnyd.
but yf þey amend hem fully in þis lyf.