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The poetical works of Thomas Traherne

faithfully reprinted from the author's original manuscript together with Poems of Felicity reprinted from the Burney manuscript and Poems from Various Sources: Edited with preface and notes by Gladys I. Wade

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But that which most I wonder at, which most
I did esteem my Bliss, which most I boast
And ever shall applaud, is, that within
I felt no Stain, no Spot of Sin.
No Darkness then did over-shade,
But all within was pure and bright,
No Guilt did crush, nor Fear invade,
But all my Soul was full of Light.
A joyful Sense exempt from Fear
Is all I can remember;
The very Night to me was clear,
'Twas Summer in December.


A serious Meditation did employ
My Soul within, which, taken up with Joy,
Did seem no outward thing to note, but fly
All Objects that do feed the Ey:


While it those very Objects did
Admire, and prize, and prais, and lov,
Which in their Glory most are hid;
Which Presence only doth remov:
Their constant daily Presence I
Rejoicing at did see;
And that which takes them from the Ey
Of others, offer'd them to me.


No inward Stain inclined my Will
To Avarice or Pride: My Soul was still
With Admiration fill'd; no Lust nor Strife
Polluted then my Infant-Life.
No Fraud nor Anger in me mov'd,
No Malice, Jealousy, or Spight;
All that I saw I truly lov'd.
Contentment only and Delight
Were in my Soul. O Hev'n, what Bliss
Did I enjoy and feel!
What powerful Delight did this
Inspire! For this I daily kneel.


Whether it be that Nature is so pure,
And Custom only vicious; or to cure
Its Depravation, God did Guilt remov
To fix in me a Sense of 's Lov
So early; or that 'twas one Day
Wherin this Happiness I found,
Whose Strength and Brightness so do ray
That still it seems me to surround:


What e'r it was, it is a Light
So endless unto me,
That I a World of tru Delight
Did then, and to this day do, see.


That Prospect was the Gate of Hev'n; that Day
The ancient Light of Eden did convey
Into my Soul: I was an Adam there,
A little Adam in a Sphere
Of Joys: O there my ravisht Sense
Was entertain'd in Paradise;
And had a Sight of Innocence
Which was to mee beyond all Price.
An Antepast of Heven sure!
For I on Earth did reign:
Within, without me, all was pure:
I must becom a Child again.