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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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THE CONTENTS AND SVMME of the Authors his Christian Knight




Permit, and let, thy louing lookes alight,
And with wel-willing eies vouchsafe to view;
The young vnwise, and wilfull wandring Knight,
Drest in apparell and an habit new;
Which in a ground, and barren Garden grew,
Almost vnworthy, to be worne, and zit:
The Portrat right, the Type, the Figure true,
And very viue Anatomie of wit:
To monstrate these, the Misses we commit.
And make them all, be sensible, and seene,
Yea th'image and, the Idea is it,
That represents, most Efauld to the eyne:
The nat'rall man, imprudent and prophane,
Be grace of God, regenerate againe.


Of Sathans snares, that souls incites to sin,
Here is detected the vndoubted Truth,
And all that may, inveit to vice, whairin,
Oft falls th'vndanted and rebellious youth,
Here are the sinns, deciphered of slouth.
Of Misbeleefe, of Malice, and Envie,
And heir of sinne, also to drench the drouth,
The Well diuine, and spring of verrue spie,
Heir is the Touch where thou may truly trie,
If thou hes fully faithfull beene, befoir,

And here are perfect plasteres to apply,
To salue the soule, and to heale sound her soare:
And here as in, a mirrour markthou may,
To life or death, the right or radie way.