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The Discovery of the Little World, with the government thereof. By Iohn Davies

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To the Right VVorshipfull and most worthy Knight Sir Edward Dyer.

Though Saturne now with Iupiter doth sitt,
Where earst Minerua & the Muse did raigne,
Ruling the Common-wealth of vvill, and vvitt,
Plac'd in the kingdomes of thy hart, and braine:
Those Planetts I adore, whose influence
Infuseth vvisedome, Counsell, gravity;
Minerua & the Muse ioyes my Soules sence,
Sith Soule-delighting lines they multiplie.
In both respects, for that that was and is
I tender thee the service of my Muse,
Which shal not marre thy fame though it may misse
To give the same that which to it accrues;
Yet this Gift, through thy Gifts, she gives to thee:
Times future, Dyer, die shal never see.
I. D.