University of Virginia Library

Sce. 10.

Mirtillo. Amarillis. Chorus of Shepheard.
I am so tyed to paine, that in the midit
Of all my ioyes I needs must languish still:
Is't not inough this ceremonious pompe
Doth hold vs thus, but that Corisca must
Come in to hinder vs?

Th'art too quick my deare.

O my sweet treasure I am not secure,
Yet do I quake for feare of leesing thee.
This seemes a dreame, and still I am afraid
My sleep should breake, and thou my soule shouldst flye away.
In better proofe my sences would I sleepe,
That this sweet sight is not a dreaming sleepe.

Cho. Sh.
Come holy Himeneus rome this euen
According to our vowes, and to our songs
Dresse thou these Louers, as them best belongs.
Both t'one and t'other of the seed of heauen,
Knit thou the fatall knot this blessed eauen.

O happie two,
That plaints haue sow'd and reaped smyles,
In many bitter grieuous foyles
Haue you imbellist your desires,
Henceforth prepare your amorous fires,
And bolden vp your tender sprights,
Vnto your true sincere delights.
You cannot haue a sounder ioy,
There is no ill can you annoy.
This is true ioy, true pleasure, and true mirth,
T'which vertue got in patience giueth birth.