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A Neighbour's TEARS Sprinkled on the Dust of the Amiable Virgin, Mrs. Rebekah Sewall,
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A Neighbour's TEARS Sprinkled on the Dust of the Amiable Virgin, Mrs. Rebekah Sewall,

Who was born December 30. 1704. and dyed suddenly, August 3. 1710. AEtatis 6.

HEav'ns only, in dark hours, can Succour send;
And shew a Fountain, where the cisterns end.
I saw this little One but t'other day
With a small flock of Doves, just in my way:
What New-made Creature's this so bright? thought I
Ah! Pity 'tis such Prettiness should die.
Madam, behold the Lamb of GOD; for there's
Your Pretty Lamb, while you dissolve in Tears;
She lies infolded in her Shepherd's Arms,
Whose Bosom's always full of gracious Charms.
Great JESUS claim'd his own; never begrutch
Your Jewels rare into the Hands of Such.
He, with His Righteousness, has better dress'd
Your Babe, than e're you did, when at your breast.
'Tis not your case alone: for thousands have
Follow'd their sweetest Comforts to the Grave.
Seeking the Plat of Immortality,
I saw no Place Secure; but all must dy.
Death, that stern Officer, takes no denial;
I'm griev'd he found your door, to make a trial.
Thus, be it on the Land, or Swelling Seas,
His Sov'raignty doth what His Wisdom please.
Must then the Rulers of this World's affairs,
By Providence be brought thus into Tears?
It is a Lesson hard, I must confess,
For our Proud Wills with Heav'ns to acquiesce.
But when Death goes before; Unseen, behind
There's such a One, as may compose the Mind.
Pray, Madam, wipe the tears off your fair eyes;
With your translated Damsel Sympathise:
Could She, from her New School, obtain the leave,
She'd tell you Things would make you cease to grieve.
B. T.