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Checker-Boarders and Keystoners

[There was an ex-editor, L---]

There was an ex-editor, L---,
Who rowed in the Courier punt,
But to twist around more, he jumped out on the shore,
That contortious poetical L---.

[Oh G--- T--- C--- was one]

Oh G--- T--- C--- was one
Who thought himself quite a great gun;
So Treason he shouted, “Constitution” he spouted,
But Boston grew hot for such “Union Men”—so
He herds in New York with Fernando & Co.

[To the cause of his country adverse]

To the cause of his country adverse,
Is the man whom all honest men curse.
Do you ask what's his name? oh, ne'er believe Fame,
If it be not Ex-President Pierce.

[In Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Six]

In Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Six,
A poet, disgusted with Pierce's tricks,
Said that he down to the dust should go,
To grovel there in infamy low.
And in Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Three,
The prophecy came to pass, I see,
Since in the dust and on the ground,
As a Copperhead Pierce goes squirming round.
What a pity that Joshua D.
A good Insolvency lawyer should be,
Yet cannot, in politics, as we see,
Keep his own good name from bankruptcie!

[John C. passes, now and then]

John C. passes, now and then,
For one of Boston's League-al men.
Mistake me not—he doth intrigue
With the Liquor—not the Union—League!

[Gamblers, Wood-ites, thieves, and asses]

Gamblers, Wood-ites, thieves, and asses,
Scrapings of the dangerous classes,
Pettifoggers malign, but weak,
Who dare not fight and cannot speak;
Trash which the war-tide rolling high
Has cast ashore in scorn to dry;
“Aristocrats” who fear to wage
Brave battle in a stirring age,
As did their glorious sires before,
Who won thereby the fame they wore;
Oh G. S. H---, tell us true,
Is this fit company for YOU?