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WHAT is a Kiss?—pray tell't to Mee.
A daring daintie Fantasie:
A Brace of Birdes whych chirpe, ‘wee would!’
And pyping answer: ‘iff wee could!’
What is a Kiss?—when Evenyng falls
In russett Folds are Heaven's Walls,
Itt is a blissed Prophesye,
That Love wyll live, tho' Day may dye.
What is a Kiss?—when Mornyng's Leme
Casts Verjuice redd in Heaven's whyte Creme,
Itt is a pretie, ringing Knell,
That cryes to Love—‘Swete, fare ye wel!’
What is a Kiss? Alacke! at worst,
A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst,
Tho' oft it prooves in happie Hour,
The first swete Dropp of one long Showre.