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Greater America—stronger America—
Wide as the world thy beneficent fame;
Child of the earth's grandest struggle for liberty—
Hope ever smiles at the sound of thy name!
Greater America—wider America—
Ever the stronger and ever the same!
Thou hast of rivers that far and unceasingly
Through the wide valleys of opulence flow;
Thou hadst of deserts that diligent husbandry
Turned to the richest of gardens that grow!
Greater America—richer America—
Many a summer thy harvest shall glow!
Thou hast of mountains, with snow-knitted canopies
Pierced by the rocks that to heaven aspire;
Thou hast volcanoes—new torchlights of liberty—
Sending the cold waves a message of fire.
Greater America—brighter America—
Thou art the flame of the patriot's desire!
Thou hast of lakes that in sweetest tranquillity
Lie as if sky upon earth were at rest;
Thou hast two oceans, with many an argosy
Seeking thy shores from the East and the West.
Greater America—prouder America—
Thou by the earth and the ocean art blest!
Thou art the world's latest refuge from tyranny—
Out of the shadows they hurried to thee;
Now does thy hand, that has brightened their destiny,
Carry good news to the isles of the sea.


Greater America—kinder America—
Still art thou teaching the world to be free!
Thou hast of soldiers whose hearts beat in loyalty—
Trained in the pride of their forefathers grand;
Ask of the foe that has tested their bravery,
How they can fight for their own cherished land!
Greater America—fiercer America—
Thou hast thy millions of men at command!
Thou hast of sailors whose warships of majesty
Plough through the waves at thy every behest;
Deep is their cannons' far-echoing melody,
Chanting the liberty-song of the West.
Greater America—prouder America—
Now of the pride of the ocean possessed!
Thou hast of hearts that will fight for thee faithfully,
Calling thee ever their loved and their own;
Patron of order and teacher of liberty,
E'er with the blessings of liberty strown—
Greater America—truer America—
Grandest of nations earth ever has known!