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CONDE HARO, solus.
De Haro.
Velasco's will, back'd by the king's command,
I must obey, or blast my rising fame,
And hazard all in the precarious cause,
Of freedom, stak'd against the power of kings:
Yet warring passions tear my tortur'd soul;
Discordant hopes make me a wretch indeed.
I love Maria—I revere her lord—
And almost wish the vict'ry may be his;
Yet if he falls—he falls as Brutus fell,
In the last struggle for his country's weal;
While my success will rivet fast her chains,
Erase each vestige of her ancient rights,
And make me odious in Maria's eye.
And shall I foster this inglorious flame?
A hopeless passion gnawing on my peace,
And cankering my soul against the man
I once esteem'd my friend—though now a foe,
He's virtue's friend where'er he meets her name.
The moral sense, that checks the wayward will,
Now witness bear—I'm master of myself:—
I'll meet him in the field on equal terms;
No base desire, or any lawless wish,
Shall more obtrude to interrupt my peace:—
But honour, justice, duty to my king,
Shall wield my sword, and lead to spotless fame.
